Authenticity allowed — for Service Professionals

Authenticity allowed — for Service Professionals

I really do believe we attract what we focus on, and what we believe — in fear or in love. I believe — and perhaps that belief is why I attract the experience — that this applies to the people and relationships we attract as well, clients included.

When we shift our mindsets to focus on what we love or what brings us joy, and we begin to recognize that we inherently believe that, and not the thing we feared. The momentum of that takes a little time to show up, so it may seem as if we’re still attracting the previous focus, when in fact the shift simply hasn't yet shown up in our physical reality yet. Exciting, isn't it? That means we just need to stay focused on what we want, rather than fear, to see more of what we want. In my experience, it is quite literal, and it happens more readily now, than when I first started focusing more mindfully. Here’s one look at a small mindset shift that helped.

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SEO, Social Media, Digital? What's the difference?

SEO, Social Media, Digital? What's the difference?

"Sales and Marketing. It's the same thing!" Talk to anyone in sales or marketing about that. Many of us, including recruiters, don't differentiate between SEO, Social Media and Digital. In fact, those new to each of these fields try to wear all of these hats, until they learn the depth of each. This means that those they serve never get the depth of any. They're not all the same.

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Who you follow on social media

In my previous post I went into some detail on the importance of narrowing your focus in identifying who you want to attract to your social media community. I highlighted the importance of knowing who that is, not just to ensure that your community is relevant, but so that you have a persona to visualize when you're posting. You have an idea of who you're talking to. This post goes into the other side of community. Not who follows you, but who you follow, and it's impact on content.

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Who makes up your social media community?

Who makes up your social media community? Technically, you should have some idea. I hope this blog post helps you to revisit your reasons for getting on social media in the first place. Who did you want to connect with, there? Hint: It's not 'everyone'.

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