Return to Self and Privacy. Managing technology and media.

Return to Self and Privacy. Managing technology and media.

My brother sent me an interesting article, about the insights of literature professor turned technology analyst and unwitting prophet of how technology would hurt us if we didn't manage it, Dr. Marshall McLuhan. And he's quite on point, based on the findings of the article by The Free Press. Still, I hope this invitation to reclaim your human life reminds you that it's not the end, but simply a wake up call to return to ourselves.

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Where do I find social media Content?

Where do I find social media Content?

You're busy. You haven't found time to create the caliber of content that truly reflects you, so "Where do I find content to post on social media?" Let's streamline your content search. The content calendar is your canvas, but having sources ready cuts your posting time in half. Let's explore this further.

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SEO, Social Media, Digital? What's the difference?

SEO, Social Media, Digital? What's the difference?

"Sales and Marketing. It's the same thing!" Talk to anyone in sales or marketing about that. Many of us, including recruiters, don't differentiate between SEO, Social Media and Digital. In fact, those new to each of these fields try to wear all of these hats, until they learn the depth of each. This means that those they serve never get the depth of any. They're not all the same.

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A Day in the Life of You. The Follower

A Day in the Life of You. The Follower

Many of us want more followers, more relevant followers, on social media. If you're in business, you likely want a percentage of those followers to be leads and clients. That just makes sense. Here, I ask you to explore what you're like as a follower, so you can get a greater sense of your followers' experience. Let's look at you, the Follower!

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Client Followers & Referrals on Social Media

Client Followers & Referrals on Social Media

How do you get clients to become not only Followers, but also your most Authentic Referrers on social media (and everywhere)? It depends on how you engage with them. If you'd like to develop this Client Referral Culture, let's dive in. Why? Well, because 50 followers, clients or referrers, who value and invest in your services, are more worthy of your time, energy and resources than 5,000 1-time followers. What do you think?

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Why is Social Media Sucking on Your Time?

Why is Social Media Sucking on Your Time?

When you think of managing social media for your business, do you get overwhelmed? When I mention social media and time in the same sentence, how do you feel? One client even described it as 'the basement of her business that she avoids'! Well, let's get you back in control of your social media community, and your time. Here are a few tips, inspired by the LinkedIn  #ProductivityHacks Series, and a post by Dr. Marla Gottschalk.

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