Reframing Authenticity without Resentment or Rebellion

Reframing Authenticity without Resentment or Rebellion

Honouring individual sovereignty and free will means I respect that everyone who is alive, and healthy, is capable of making the best decisions for themselves, and their lives, uninfluenced by anyone else. I cringe when I hear coaches and teachers talking about "pushing" or giving "a kick in the pants", because I know it diminishes individual power. I believe we all take action when we're intrinsically ready, and action taken before that often leads to doubt, wondering “what if”, imposter syndrome and subconsciously grieving what we lost. So how does this apply to authenticity, and how do resentment and rebellion fit into any of it? Read on…

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Advisors and community that honour your Individual Sovereignty

Do you feel more confident and secure in your own decision making process after you engage with your advisors or mentors? I have observed this widely accepted (perhaps cultural) trend of condescension, among gurus, coaches, consultants and other advising professionals.

In essence, whether they're congratulating a client patronizingly, or giving clients a "kick in the pants" for taking "too long" to do something, it's becoming the mainstream approach to dishonour people's inherent wisdom.  I don't believe someone who respects your individual sovereignty, i.e. your right, responsibility and basic ability to govern your own life well, will ever engage with you in that way.  You?

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Authenticity. What's it mean, beyond the buzzword?

In life, business, relationships, whether publicly or in private solitude, authenticity uses far less energy.  Being authentic, being true to oneself, is not a series of actions or reactions, which may reflect our true thoughts or emotions in one snapshot of time.  Those moments are important, yes, because they reveal issues that affect us adversely so that we can address them, or boundaries that have been violated that we need to reinstate.  Those snapshots are not, however, who you are inherently...

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Know Your Value & Thrive. You're Worth It

Know Your Value & Thrive. You're Worth It

Even if you don't get to the two (2) interview videos, there are some valuable nuggets in here. What would it take for you to acknowledge, internally and everywhere, what you're worth? Echoing Marianne Williamson's sentiments, we're not afraid of our flaws, but of our power? Why is that? Here are a few practical steps to think through, along with some inspirational bits as well. Here's to you!

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Business & Lifestyle on Your Terms

Business & Lifestyle on Your Terms

"Welcome to your safe space." What does that mean? We all know what it means to be, live or work in an environment in an environment that we have to 'behave' in. I don't mean 'behave' in the healthier sense, like covering your mouth when you cough or maintaining some distance between you and the stranger on the packed train. I mean 'behave', as in 'expectations', such as getting to work before the boss and leave after everyday or going to all of your 120 friends' events to avoid hurting their feelings at the expense of your own health/business/projects. Well, when I say "welcome to your safe space", I mean, "with me, you can be who you are, as-is"Does your business, and your lifestyle, say that to you? Do you want it to?

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