What if? My vision. Living free on Earth

What if? My vision. Living free on Earth

In this one, I share a video my journey in moving from being a strategy consultant for mindful entrepreneurship with a clear lens on pricing services, to being more than open to a world where we actually live on our planet for free. An invitation to simply imagine how it would feel and what life could be like.  As I share my vision in the rest of the blogpost, what comes up for you?  What would it look and feel like for you, to live for free on Earth?

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The opportunity inherent in this pandemic

The opportunity inherent in this pandemic

In a world that usually makes sure we’re always too busy for deep introspection, to find out who you really are and — beyond the panic, beyond survival mode, of a pandemic — what you really, deeply, want most out of this life, is an opportunity I invite you to immerse yourself in, if you can.

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Authenticity allowed — for Service Professionals

Authenticity allowed — for Service Professionals

I really do believe we attract what we focus on, and what we believe — in fear or in love. I believe — and perhaps that belief is why I attract the experience — that this applies to the people and relationships we attract as well, clients included.

When we shift our mindsets to focus on what we love or what brings us joy, and we begin to recognize that we inherently believe that, and not the thing we feared. The momentum of that takes a little time to show up, so it may seem as if we’re still attracting the previous focus, when in fact the shift simply hasn't yet shown up in our physical reality yet. Exciting, isn't it? That means we just need to stay focused on what we want, rather than fear, to see more of what we want. In my experience, it is quite literal, and it happens more readily now, than when I first started focusing more mindfully. Here’s one look at a small mindset shift that helped.

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Reframing Authenticity without Resentment or Rebellion

Reframing Authenticity without Resentment or Rebellion

Honouring individual sovereignty and free will means I respect that everyone who is alive, and healthy, is capable of making the best decisions for themselves, and their lives, uninfluenced by anyone else. I cringe when I hear coaches and teachers talking about "pushing" or giving "a kick in the pants", because I know it diminishes individual power. I believe we all take action when we're intrinsically ready, and action taken before that often leads to doubt, wondering “what if”, imposter syndrome and subconsciously grieving what we lost. So how does this apply to authenticity, and how do resentment and rebellion fit into any of it? Read on…

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Business & Lifestyle on Your Terms

Business & Lifestyle on Your Terms

"Welcome to your safe space." What does that mean? We all know what it means to be, live or work in an environment in an environment that we have to 'behave' in. I don't mean 'behave' in the healthier sense, like covering your mouth when you cough or maintaining some distance between you and the stranger on the packed train. I mean 'behave', as in 'expectations', such as getting to work before the boss and leave after everyday or going to all of your 120 friends' events to avoid hurting their feelings at the expense of your own health/business/projects. Well, when I say "welcome to your safe space", I mean, "with me, you can be who you are, as-is"Does your business, and your lifestyle, say that to you? Do you want it to?

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