The opportunity inherent in this pandemic

The opportunity inherent in this pandemic

In a world that usually makes sure we’re always too busy for deep introspection, to find out who you really are and — beyond the panic, beyond survival mode, of a pandemic — what you really, deeply, want most out of this life, is an opportunity I invite you to immerse yourself in, if you can.

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Authenticity allowed — for Service Professionals

Authenticity allowed — for Service Professionals

I really do believe we attract what we focus on, and what we believe — in fear or in love. I believe — and perhaps that belief is why I attract the experience — that this applies to the people and relationships we attract as well, clients included.

When we shift our mindsets to focus on what we love or what brings us joy, and we begin to recognize that we inherently believe that, and not the thing we feared. The momentum of that takes a little time to show up, so it may seem as if we’re still attracting the previous focus, when in fact the shift simply hasn't yet shown up in our physical reality yet. Exciting, isn't it? That means we just need to stay focused on what we want, rather than fear, to see more of what we want. In my experience, it is quite literal, and it happens more readily now, than when I first started focusing more mindfully. Here’s one look at a small mindset shift that helped.

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Author update. Co-author, Voices of the 21st Century, WSA

Author update. Co-author, Voices of the 21st Century, WSA

Another best-seller coming your way! Stay tuned for the launch in April / May 2020. Mine is just one of the moving, heart-centered stories that I hope will inspire you to breathe more deeply, and embrace yourself more fully. Read on to follow me on Amazon, for updates nearer the launch!

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Why success flows from your Comfort Zone

Why success flows from your Comfort Zone

Your comfort zone is your friend. It is not boring, it is not a prison, it is where you breathe most deeply, where you feel safe and secure, where you are most confident. Your stretch zone is just beyond the boundary of your comfort zone, and often eventually becomes your new comfort zone, as you grow and evolve authentically and at your own pace. What do you think your energy levels would look like if you lived by this? Read more here.

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Mindful Reading. Another lens on our information diet

Mindful Reading. Another lens on our information diet

Pricing, lean process and feasible schedules for decision-makers, which allow for inspired creativity and focused productivity, begin as intrinsic discussions. Social media is the only service I offer that is world-facing first. Social media can be a lot to navigate, without clarity on who you are (and aren't) as a business and what you offer (and don't). Media, friends and organizations we follow, bombard us with information, factual or otherwise, that push our buttons and drain our energy, and we wind up going wherever they tug us. More, they feed anxiety and depression for many.

Enter mindful reading.

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