Money, well-being and the feminine professional

Money, well-being and the feminine professional

Here is why a clear pricing strategy matters for service professionals. Product industries have clearer, tangible lines in the sand about cost of production, salaries and overhead. It's why you won't dare go to a grocery and expect to get that head of lettuce if you're a penny short. Knowledge industries, however, are not so clear. Read on to see where well-being and the feminine come in.

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The Gift of Pricing. Save more than Money

The Gift of Pricing. Save more than Money

Gifts. We remember them for others but often forget ourselves. Sometimes we remember them for others, but forget that, once given, it's theirs to use as they see fit. The Gift of Pricing, as I reference it here, is the same. Is it for you - the service or the invitation here, to awaken - or is there someone who'd love to receive this blog post or 5-week pricing strategy? For some, just what's written here is enough to inspire you to set the pricing you deserve, and to honour yourself in sticking with it.

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What Social Media Costs and Why

What Social Media Costs and Why

Social media management is a professional service. As a result, there are costs associated with delivering that service. The honest truth is that if you pay less for a service than it costs to provide that service, you’ll bankrupt the company providing that service. Here are some social media costs you can expect to pay.

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