Money, well-being and the feminine professional

Money, well-being and the feminine professional

Here is why a clear pricing strategy matters for service professionals. Product industries have clearer, tangible lines in the sand about cost of production, salaries and overhead. It's why you won't dare go to a grocery and expect to get that head of lettuce if you're a penny short. Knowledge industries, however, are not so clear. Read on to see where well-being and the feminine come in.

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Inspiration for Mindful Entrepreneurship for Mindful Affluence™

Inspiration for Mindful Entrepreneurship for Mindful Affluence™

I used to say that entrepreneurship can be a lonely road for first-generation entrepreneurs. I mean, family keeps waiting for you to snap out of it, past colleagues think you're not around enough, even fellow entrepreneurs think you're doing it wrong. All of them often offer unwarranted, sometimes outdated or irrelevant, advice. Today, while I still acknowledge that entrepreneurship can be a lonely road, I'm clear that it doesn't have to be.

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The True Shift to a Global Wealth Mindset

We all seem to want cheap and free, but our global economy cant sustain that. Can you see the disconnect? Someone has to keep the flow of wealth (and well-being) going to ensure the wheel keeps turning. We assume that angel investors, venture capitalists, the stock market (i.e. your investments) and the government (i.e. taxes you pay) should take care of any shortfalls, but if we all stopped paying, how would they find the funds to do that? 

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Letting go of mainstream to create your unique business

Letting go of mainstream to create your unique business

Here's to the business you'd meant to create; not the one everyone forced you to exist in. Your E.A.S.Y. Affluence Business Model™ by Successiory. Who's really in your head? Perhaps you're no longer bogged down by comparing yourself to others, but when you sit down to speak to your client prospects, your colleagues, perhaps even your spouse, who's in your head? What's the rhetoric in your head when you're about to pitch? Why? You're not alone. There is a better way. One that suits you...

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