10 Tips for Mindful Business (video series)

10 Tips for Mindful Business (video series)

Welcome. If you followed me throughout my #10TipsforMindfulBusiness video series, I would like to thank you for engaging and sharing just what this meant to you. I also want to thank Yulia Urukova Martins for inviting me to join, and Bobby Umar, Kira Day, Lila Smith, Jake Jordan, and Joe Apfelbaum for creating the #10Tips10Days series in the first place! I have also shared my part of this series on Instagram, if you’re more active there. I have compiled all ten videos — twelve, including my welcome and thank you videos — so you can find them all in one place, if you missed them, or want to revisit any. Enjoy!

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Why success flows from your Comfort Zone

Why success flows from your Comfort Zone

Your comfort zone is your friend. It is not boring, it is not a prison, it is where you breathe most deeply, where you feel safe and secure, where you are most confident. Your stretch zone is just beyond the boundary of your comfort zone, and often eventually becomes your new comfort zone, as you grow and evolve authentically and at your own pace. What do you think your energy levels would look like if you lived by this? Read more here.

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Inspiration for Mindful Entrepreneurship for Mindful Affluence™

Inspiration for Mindful Entrepreneurship for Mindful Affluence™

I used to say that entrepreneurship can be a lonely road for first-generation entrepreneurs. I mean, family keeps waiting for you to snap out of it, past colleagues think you're not around enough, even fellow entrepreneurs think you're doing it wrong. All of them often offer unwarranted, sometimes outdated or irrelevant, advice. Today, while I still acknowledge that entrepreneurship can be a lonely road, I'm clear that it doesn't have to be.

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Emotion & Urgency with Clients

Happy Spring!

Source: http://writerfox.hubpages.com/hub/Flower-Clip-Art

Logic & Emotion - The Paradox

If you've been following, you know I shifted gears in 2014.

I'm no longer the pure-logic, mission-driven lady I started this blog as.

Logic still has its place, but I've grown significantly since

I've welcomed my emotions back.

By distinguishing between fear and love as motivators,

 for example, I am making far more logical decisions. Ironic? Not really. Not if you understand and value the human being as a whole.

We need all the parts to be healthy if we're ever going to be truly whole.

If you missed these earlier posts, check out

"Your Thoughts, Your Future"


"The Audacity"

and my

"2014 Review"


Logic & Emotion - Decisions

Like it or not, 'ignoring' and belittling your emotions doesn't make them go away.

It isn't logic that drives your inner critic, but emotion.

In the past, your inner critic was your primal protector.

It told you when you were in danger.

Today, your inner critic is driven by your internal 'lessons' from experiences.

As much of our media and entertainment is

negative / fear-based,

the primal protector has become the inner critic. We'd like to think that logic makes us stop and assess risk, but it's the critic. You have to reprogram him / her.

S/he is the harsh version of you.

'Ignoring' emotion

leaves you extremely vulnerable

to those who manipulate your

'logical approach to emotion'.

 It's the very thing you don't want - to be tricked. With your emotions, as with your time, energy and intellect, 

if you're not managing them, someone else will

(or worse, someone else already is).

You see, back to the inner critic,

unless you learn to trust yourself, you will not trust your decisions.

Worse, you might remain indecisive. If you don't get to

know your emotions

and their triggers, you can't manage your inner critic. Self-control and self-trust will remain elusive.

Action point:

Decide today, right or wrong, to commit to one difficult decision, and see where it takes you.

Let no one sway you, even if you hear and learn from their advice.

Follow your decision to the end, and

see where it takes you.

Image Source: http://writerfox.hubpages.com/hub/Flower-Clip-Art

Urgency & Clients

What does this have to do with


Where does


fit into all of this? Knowing yourself means knowing your true values. Here's why that matters:

  1. We, clients included, are largely overwhelmed today, so many find it increasingly difficult to make decisions - except in urgent situations.

  2. We, clients included, have an ever-increasing "urgent to-do list" we're trying to check off so we can get to the "important". Sadly, the "urgent" list grows too fast.

  3. Today, many business and marketing professionals use this urgency to get sales.

Am I raising any flags with that last point? You see,

each of us falls under point #3.

The question is how do you use it?

Urgency & Your Values

The difference between you and the people who came to your mind on point #3 is

your values.

 I see two options, depending on your perspective:

  1. Urgency by Fear: you pick away at your clients' confidence in that area until they realize how 'urgently' they need you to help fix it. Here you take them to a desert, where you're the only source of water.

  2. Urgency by Empowering: you listen to your clients' pain, uncovering solutions within their reach; solutions they're empowered to check off their "urgent" list, today. Here, you take them to a safe place and show them that they had access to water all along.

Still struggling

with which to choose? It helps to remember you're on both sides of this equation.

  1. Do you want to work with the person you can't do without? It's great for their pocket, but not your confidence, or

  2. Do you want to work with the person who shows you that you can, and go back to them as needed for each new level of success? 

Now that you know who you'd want to work with,

who do you want to be?

In closing

Logic and emotion.

Getting clear on who you are in both logic and emotion, your needs and intrinsic business goals (money is just one element) makes it easier to remember

why you wanted to serve this specific ideal client.

It wasn't because you can wind them up easily.

Was it? So, what was it?

Action point:

You Decide.