Advisors and community that honour your Individual Sovereignty

Do you feel more confident and secure in your own decision making process after you engage with your advisors or mentors? I have observed this widely accepted (perhaps cultural) trend of condescension, among gurus, coaches, consultants and other advising professionals.

In essence, whether they're congratulating a client patronizingly, or giving clients a "kick in the pants" for taking "too long" to do something, it's becoming the mainstream approach to dishonour people's inherent wisdom.  I don't believe someone who respects your individual sovereignty, i.e. your right, responsibility and basic ability to govern your own life well, will ever engage with you in that way.  You?

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Social Media, a Word to the Wise

Social Media, a Word to the Wise

Social media is a valuable tool for branding businesses and individuals alike, but equally important is managing privacy.  This post sheds some light on challenges to manage when leveraging social media as a professional...or even for personal use.

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