Client Followers & Referrals on Social Media

Client Followers & Referrals on Social Media

How do you get clients to become not only Followers, but also your most Authentic Referrers on social media (and everywhere)? It depends on how you engage with them. If you'd like to develop this Client Referral Culture, let's dive in. Why? Well, because 50 followers, clients or referrers, who value and invest in your services, are more worthy of your time, energy and resources than 5,000 1-time followers. What do you think?

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Resilience. Rejection, it's Okay.

Resilience. Rejection, it's Okay.

Entrepreneurs. Would you say that you're 'Resilient'? I'm not referring to your outward perseverance or "I don't take 'No' for an answer" approach. I'm referring to, when you're at home thinking through your day, are you completely defeated by all the 'rejection', or is there a spark that keeps you going? Is your inner response "I'll show them", or are you truly fine with honouring their right to be the captain of their own lives? Can you 'Love Beyond Rejection'?

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Facebook Pages. Like, Follow or Unfollow?

If your business is on social media to attract clients and actual prospects who are willing to invest in what you offer, then you're likely also there to add value. You're not posting because "you have to meet a quota of 12 posts per week". You're posting because your clients actually need more of your expertise and your social media community helps you deliver more in less time, remotely. Right? So, what's happening with your Facebook Page?

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Organic Growth & Attracting the Best

I've been back and forth about writing this post because it holds us accountable to a higher standard. Many seem to have been told that a great following means your social media manager is doing a good job, but when you look at your analytics, it may tell a different story. This post discusses true organic growth and its long term reward.

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