A Day in the Life of You. The Follower

A Day in the Life of You. The Follower

Many of us want more followers, more relevant followers, on social media. If you're in business, you likely want a percentage of those followers to be leads and clients. That just makes sense. Here, I ask you to explore what you're like as a follower, so you can get a greater sense of your followers' experience. Let's look at you, the Follower!

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Resilience. Rejection, it's Okay.

Resilience. Rejection, it's Okay.

Entrepreneurs. Would you say that you're 'Resilient'? I'm not referring to your outward perseverance or "I don't take 'No' for an answer" approach. I'm referring to, when you're at home thinking through your day, are you completely defeated by all the 'rejection', or is there a spark that keeps you going? Is your inner response "I'll show them", or are you truly fine with honouring their right to be the captain of their own lives? Can you 'Love Beyond Rejection'?

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Social Media Goals. What are You Selling?

Social Media Goals. What are You Selling?

What can social media community do for you? Social media is lovely, when it's about community. That was its original design. For you, it's sustainable client community, first, and perhaps other advocates and partners. So where's the disconnect? Let's find out how we can help you leverage social media community more effectively.

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Clients. Your Social Media Community.

Clients. Your Social Media Community.

Strategy. Tactics. I know you've been duped by those who use these interchangeably when it comes to social media, and I apologize on behalf of those authors. This post delves into the difference between strategy and tactics. It also gives you some insight into the strategic importance of social media community for entrepreneurs. You either get the connection between social media community and your clients, or you miss the ROI of social media. Let's dive in.

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The Real You. On Social Media?

The Real You. On Social Media?

Do you have to sacrifice privacy to be the real you on social media? I say no. It's not easy to put yourself out there, but if you're an entrepreneur, you know (or you're learning) a thing or two about the value of being vulnerable and yet resilient. Here's one take on how to make it work.

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Engaged Social Media Community Starts Offline.

Happy 2015! This year, I'll take you through the basics of how to create the community that's right for you, your business and your clients. Ready to find your clients, collaborators and champions, to focus on them? Start Offline.

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Social Media Habits. A Practical Guide.

As we all wind down a bit for the end of the 2014 calendar year, it's a good time to reflect on our approach to social media. For those of us who became active on social media, what worked? What didn't work? For those of us who're still not touching it, why not? Should you? If you haven't started planning for 2015, this might help you along.

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