A Day in the Life of You. The Follower

A Day in the Life of You. The Follower

Many of us want more followers, more relevant followers, on social media. If you're in business, you likely want a percentage of those followers to be leads and clients. That just makes sense. Here, I ask you to explore what you're like as a follower, so you can get a greater sense of your followers' experience. Let's look at you, the Follower!

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Successiory Follow Policy (Part 1)

Successiory Follow Policy (Part 1)

Thank you for following Successiory! Whether you've connected on TwitterFacebookLinkedInPinterestGoogle Plus and/or another channel, I know you're bombarded by noisy content all day long. I'm dedicated to providing a more consistent and relevant experience. It is for that reason that I've created this revised Follow Policy. Read more here.

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Social Media Goals. What are You Selling?

Social Media Goals. What are You Selling?

What can social media community do for you? Social media is lovely, when it's about community. That was its original design. For you, it's sustainable client community, first, and perhaps other advocates and partners. So where's the disconnect? Let's find out how we can help you leverage social media community more effectively.

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Clients. Your Social Media Community.

Clients. Your Social Media Community.

Strategy. Tactics. I know you've been duped by those who use these interchangeably when it comes to social media, and I apologize on behalf of those authors. This post delves into the difference between strategy and tactics. It also gives you some insight into the strategic importance of social media community for entrepreneurs. You either get the connection between social media community and your clients, or you miss the ROI of social media. Let's dive in.

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