Mindful Reading. Another lens on our information diet

Mindful Reading. Another lens on our information diet

Pricing, lean process and feasible schedules for decision-makers, which allow for inspired creativity and focused productivity, begin as intrinsic discussions. Social media is the only service I offer that is world-facing first. Social media can be a lot to navigate, without clarity on who you are (and aren't) as a business and what you offer (and don't). Media, friends and organizations we follow, bombard us with information, factual or otherwise, that push our buttons and drain our energy, and we wind up going wherever they tug us. More, they feed anxiety and depression for many.

Enter mindful reading.

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SEO, Social Media, Digital? What's the difference?

SEO, Social Media, Digital? What's the difference?

"Sales and Marketing. It's the same thing!" Talk to anyone in sales or marketing about that. Many of us, including recruiters, don't differentiate between SEO, Social Media and Digital. In fact, those new to each of these fields try to wear all of these hats, until they learn the depth of each. This means that those they serve never get the depth of any. They're not all the same.

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