Give the Gurus a break. They're human.

Give the Gurus a break. They're human.

I believe that you are the wisest person to talk to about yourself. I believe you should beware anyone who tells you otherwise. I remember someone being upset that a much revered influencer said, "If you can't manage your own weight, how can you manage a business?" Now, this is one of those mainstay figure-head meditation gurus who's been around forever. My natural fierce-Momma instinct (made more so now that I have an actual baby) was to write him off completely - I mean, here was this person, an embodiment of perfection, being made to feel doomed to fail because someone, who doesn't even know that person, couldn't recognize that everyone... everyone... is great at some things and not at others. So where does the guru's role end and where does your role begin?

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Measuring Social Media Is E.A.S.Y.

Measuring Social Media Is E.A.S.Y.

What's your time worth? As an entrepreneur, your time and energy are optimally spent on paid clients. This keeps you in business and makes time to support and empower the right clients. This also makes time to reap the rewards of your hard work - R&R, a bath (joke), rediscover friends - have some fun. The same applies to social media.

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