Please, Enjoy Being Human

"Dont forget to enjoy being human. After a lot of years of being too spiritual, I'm waking up to my body and soul as good, beautiful, important parts of the human experience! Don't miss out on it while here!" -- Crystal-Marie Sealy, MBA, Mom.

One escapist route—mine used to be fiction novels, chick lit, sci-fi and super-Christianity—I'm seeing a lot is hyper-spirituality. The notions that:

  • "as we are one, we don't need boundaries", but don't boundaries protect at least your actual body, mind, will and emotions, even your spirit? Trust me. Screaming "help" and saying "No!" are boundaries.

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  • "have no attachments and suffering (and happiness) disappear", but don't all of our feelings make for a richer life experience?

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  • "your reward is in heaven, so forget this life", but didn't you Choose to come here? To life life abundantly, fully? You'll get back home (heaven, to some) eventually, but enjoy it here! You came for that.

If you're finding the joy sucked out of life for too long, you'll find your body will start to dry up in different ways too. Thoughts alter our neurological pathways chemically, changing our hormones, our mindset and our cells.

Nothing is wrong with being spiritual—whatever your religion, philosophy or scientific stance on it—if it adds true value to your life, based on your own, inherent values and beliefs, I cannot stress how much it’s worth. It is a truly personal, individual journey, regardless of who surrounds you and supports you in it—or not.

My invitation is to remember, especially if you're aware of your spirituality, that being human was a choice you made to grow, to expand, to enjoy!

Don't quit your life by living only in Spirit. Spirit Wants you to enjoy this thrilling human journey. Escape for a while, however you do - it's normal and beautiful - but do come back. ❤️

In love, light and shadow, embracing all aspects of ourselves.


About Crystal-Marie

Crystal-Marie Sealy, MBA, is a dedicated mom, keynote speaker, two-time best-selling author and strategy consultant. As author and speaker, Crystal-Marie is focused on resilience through authenticity, self-acceptance and individual sovereignty. Her business talks are around mindful entrepreneurship through pricing, lean process, and feasible schedules for inspired creativity and focused productivity. As a strategy consultant, and president and founder of Crystal-Marie Sealy—previously Successiory (2011-2019)—Crystal-Marie's signature "Mindful Entrepreneurship for Mindful Affluence™" empowers premium service professionals to create businesses they can truly thrive in. Good-bye rat race. Hello blue ocean. Earn more. Work less. Live abundantly. Connect with Crystal-Marie at