Feminine energy is not Feminist


Thanks for sharing this, Paulina Baranowska — click to see Paulina's post! I'm slowing down to shift my momentum again, to be and thus attract positive, high-vibration energy and interactions. Returning to the feminine has done that very quickly for me. This post does explore the nature of some non-positive comments on Paulina's post, but only in shedding light on what feminine energy actually is.

Feminine energy is not Feminist

If you follow the hashtag #feminine on LinkedIn, it's slow to start, but there's already so much magic there. 🌺 It also shows that there's room to blossom there.

If you appreciate Paulina's post, you might be a bit surprised by the comments — or at least I was. I shouldn't be, but I was surprised that those commenting don't know what feminine energy is.


Feminine energy is not feminist. Feminists usually operate in activism, which is very masculine energy.

  • Masculine energy is "go, do, provide, protect, take, give".

  • Feminine energy, in matching each of those words, is more "pause, be, create, nurture, receive, allow".

You can see, then, that feminine energy exists in all of us.

Feminine energy and well-being

Given the average woman's physical, emotional — even spiritual, if you will — design, these traits are more prevalent in us, when we're true to ourselves. More importantly, our health demands that we spend more time in our feminine energy. Still, the health benefits are not limited to women. Everyone is advised to step into their feminine energy — even though it's not called that by your doctor — to reduce burnout.

This is a short one, for now — I may update it later — but I hope this helps move the conversation, for you, away from "positive and non-positive experiences with women, in life or at the office". Most of the women professionals I know operated in the masculine to get to where we are at work, today. Instead, I hope the conversation can now return to the question — how can these attributes, in any person, light up our workspaces, and our world at large?

Are you enjoying your feminine energy? Let's connect.

If you are, use the search bar below (mobile site) or on your left (desktop website) to search “feminine” and find more that I've written on this. There's more to come.

I'm finding that since I have been embracing my own feminine energy, I have been attracting more women professionals that operate in the feminine — or are also on a journey to do so — into my world. I'm absolutely excited to see more of that. If you are on that journey, find me on LinkedIn, or across social media. Let's allow that energy to bloom. 🌺


About Crystal-Marie

Crystal-Marie Sealy, MBA, is a dedicated mom, keynote speaker, author and strategy consultant. As author and speaker, Crystal-Marie is focused on resilience through authenticity, self-acceptance and individual sovereignty. Her business talks are around mindful entrepreneurship through pricing, lean process, and feasible schedules for inspired creativity and focused productivity. She also delivers corporate training around client-centric social media strategy. As a strategy consultant, and president and founder of Crystal-Marie Sealy—previously Successiory (2011-2019)—Crystal-Marie's signature "Mindful Entrepreneurship for Mindful Affluence™" empowers premium service professionals to create businesses they can truly thrive in. Good-bye rate race. Hello blue ocean. Earn more. Work less. Serve better clients, better. Connect with Crystal-Marie at www.CrystalMarieSealy.com