What if your success lies in your Comfort Zone?

There is a lot of "you should X to achieve Y" advice out there. The media heavily promotes this "kick in the pants" principle and there are any number of coaches out there waiting to yell you out of your comfort zone. What if I tell you, they've missed it?

What if your comfort zone is where your greatest success lies? Why not work with your existing habits, rhythms and skill set to serve your clients? That's where you're most confident. It's where you can actually focus on Clients, because your brain isn't wrapped up in all you have to change about yourself! How would this change how You do business?

If you need to be more profitable, if you need to slow down to think (or for health reasons), if you're just starting your business and intend to start as you mean to go on! This is where sustainable business begins - mindfully taking the time to know who you already are. You may decide to change, but you'll be doing so from a place of power. Doesn't that beat careening over the edge at a pace you need to rely on someone to navigate through that change? 

I don't think you need a kick in the pants. I believe you already have what it takes to succeed at whatever you want to.

As the strategy consultant in Your corner, I create space for you to slow down and hear, embrace, You. That's when you can actually see Your vision. Not as others have shaped It, but as only You can imagine it.

Despite all the advice to the contrary, you'll find that listening to your gut, your intuition, and taking action there, when You are Actually ready (not before), makes for sustainable decisions you're comfortable owning (even if you've changed your mind) tomorrow.


That's the power of #mindfulness. I write and speak on how to take your power, your energy, your focus back so you can truly live the life you want - here's one on letting the gurus be, and another on letting go of main stream - and every service I offer honours that. 


If you don't have community that honours you this way, I'm here. Learn more at www.successiory.ca

Pricing. Client Process. Feasible Schedules. Social Media.


About the Author

Crystal-Marie Sealy, MBA, is a dedicated mom, keynote speaker and entrepreneurial strategy consultant focused on sustainable business models for premium services entrepreneurs and professionals. President and founder of Successiory and her signature "Mindful Entrepreneurship for Mindful Affluence™", Crystal-Marie works with professionals who want to build sustainable (livable) business models around their lifestyles and create sustainable client community on social media. She also speaks and delivers workshops at business and motivational conferences on authenticity, entrepreneurial strategy pricing, process, and pace i.e. feasible schedules and productivity and client social media community. Connect with her and subscribe at www.successiory.ca