Authenticity for Gentle Resilience. Re-framing Authenticity for your audience

Authenticity has been co-opted as a marketing buzzword, lately, but may you never lose sight of its true meaning. We stay put in too many boxes to ensure we belong, keep income, keep the peace, but may I invite you to step out?

Many of us, even having recognized the devastating impact that '‘go-go-go’ is having on our well-being — physical, mental, emotional, relationships — are afraid to make the changes we need to, in order to restore harmony. We fear being considered "weak" or "lazy” — even as research proves leisure, laziness, are necessary for true creativity and productivity. The latest pandemic has added to that the lens that if you’re intuitive, you are denying science. Still, that same pandemic reminds us that:

  • going to work sick never made sense.

  • working remotely for far fewer hours — when forced to actually be full-time parents or at home with dependent loved ones — didn't sink the ship at work.

  • work first and life later is not where we thrive, and

  • for many parents, that economic work over primary care for their families didn't resonate at all!

Resilience is not always forcefully demonstrated. Gentle does not mean lacking confidence, or the capacity to be fierce. 24/7 is not sustainable in entrepreneurship and leadership, or in life. Going non-stop simply isn’t healthy. These societal “musts” may reflect your truth sometimes, but what happens when they don't? Welcome.

Authenticity truly energizes you, and it overflows to those you interact with—your family, your clients, your team. As you step more fully into yourself, you also find community through genuine compatibility. In this talk,

  • Deconstruct common ideas that may have derailed your inherent truths.

  • Discover your true voice and values, to get clear on Authenticity to You.

  • Stay Authentic AND Comfortable knowing not everyone will like it.

  • Release hurt, resentment and the urge to rebel, when “they” Don't Embrace the Authentic You.

  • Discover community that celebrates the Authentic You.

As a keynote speaker, my invitation to authenticity, self-acceptance and, where it resonates, the intuitive feminine, leaves your audience ready to unapologetically own their desire for a more sustainable pace, more mindful lifestyles. True authenticity. True peace of mind—without resentment, rebellion or explanation.

Read on if this resonates.



Live, on-site
Keynotes — from CA$10,000

Virtual, online
Keynote — from $7,500

*US$ Rates on
Talks there to be updated

What does your audience need? Let’s chat.


Speaking, TV & Media


2024 Feb 08. Lovely snapshot of my interview with Nikki The Ten Minute Mom @nikki_thetenminutemom (IG). A gentle invitation to cultivate more ease and flow in our lives. Full Soundcloud Interview: | Places to watch:

2022 Feb 12. My interview with Business Mentor and Artist, Trish Tonaj on her show Business Mentorship - "Be OK With Who You Are" Keepin' It Real with Crystal-Marie Sealy. My Book, Compatiility and More.


Main Thought Leadership & Signature Talk

Authenticity for Gentle Resilience

Authenticity, Self, the Feminine and Intuition.
Gentle conversations for gentle resilience.

Beyond my main keynote, you will find my gentle invitations to authenticity, self-acceptance, the feminine and intuition. In my interviews, online content and now on Patreon, Instagram, YouTube and eventually Teachable. I am not a coach. I give no advice. As a keynote speaker, author or content creator, my conversations are truly an invitation for you to get back to leading yourself.

In a society that forces us to focus outside of ourselves so that it can consume most of our energy before we can, what I hope you will find here is space to look within.

All that is offered here invites you back to your intrinsic self, including your natural rhythms and needs. May what you find here spark true self-discovery and self-acceptance that honours individual sovereignty and holds space for an intrinsic sense of authenticity that inspires gentle resilience within you.

So, here is an invitation that you don't really need from me, but from yourself, to slow down and hold space for yourself to get back to your innate wisdom. What are your values and beliefs, beyond what you're taught? What are you always trying to change or fix about yourself that perhaps is fine as it is? What if your comfort zone is where you find your calm, and not the terrible thing you've been told it was?

Explore how basic ideas like “follow your bliss” reignite the feminine (for women) and intuition, and why that matters. Decide for yourself what your boundaries are, without having to defend them, and find easier ways to live them.

Here, may you embrace what resonates and release what does not.

Meet Keynote Speaker, Crystal-Marie Sealy, MBA


Crystal-Marie accepts paid author reading and speaking invitations. Explore her profile here, her profile or explore her talks for topics relevant to your audience.

Crystal-Marie Sealy, MBA, is first a dedicated homeschooling mom. As a two-time best-selling author and keynote speaker, she occasionally offers paid author readings for children and virtual keynotes for women. Crystal-Marie's focus is "Authenticity for Gentle Resilience" through self-acceptance, intuition, individual sovereignty and the feminine. Her first children's book, "The Brave Little Puffer Fish Authenticity for Children", has rave reviews and a five-star rating on Amazon. As a strategy consultant, and president and founder of Crystal-Marie Sealy—previously Successiory (2011-2019)—Crystal-Marie's signature "Mindful Entrepreneurship for Mindful Affluence™" empowered service and intuition-based professionals. Let's connect if this resonates with your audience.

Since 2004, she has delivered over 30 talks, including her signature workshops by 2014. In 2015 alone, Crystal-Marie spoke at over 15 events. was nominated for the CAMP Entrepreneur of the Year Award and became an bestseller with her chapter in “DYNAMO Diaries - Volume 1”. In the midst of the pandemic in 2020, she became a best-selling author again with her chapter, “Authenticity. A Journey to Self-acceptance“, in the Women Speakers Association (WSA) publication, “Voices of the 21st Century: Powerful, Passionate Women Who Make a Difference“. Past speaking clients and events include Iler Campbell's Tools Conference 2015, Bank of Montreal (BMO), GroYourBiz™ Advisory Boards, Toronto Public Libraries, DivaGirl Conference 2016, Company of Women, Canadian Small Business Women and more.

Crystal-Marie values self care, free will and individual sovereignty, in life and in business, believing that this is what creates a healthy global community. She is also a dancer, and lives with her daughter in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 


Happy Clients

I've listened to the webinar twice since…

I participated in Crystal-Marie's webinar titled 'Pricing for Your Lifestyle', which was offered through Company of Women. I've listened to the webinar twice since then because I was very interested in what she had to say and to make sure it was sinking in. I have been in business 15 years, but I am still not as confident about pricing as I want to be. Crystal-Marie has helped me realize that I am offering a quality service which I should be paid for because it has value. I needed the moral boost that Crystal-Marie gave me."
(April 23, 2017)

— Marlene Sanders,

Crystal-Marie's workshops followed by a group session and a private session have given me what I need to be confident and competent in strategizing and managing MaestroQ's social media presence.

“…Crystal-Marie helped me to navigate through the social media channels, simplify my process, and learn the social media nuances. Crystal-Marie customized our group session based on collective needs and customized my private session based on my particular challenges. Working with Crystal-Marie was easy and enjoyable. I really enjoyed the convenience and effectiveness of online meetings."
(May 21, 2015)

— Patricia Muir, Speaker, founder,

a very dynamic and energetic speaker. She is a pleasure to listen to...

Crystal is a very dynamic and energetic speaker. She is a pleasure to listen to, and has a very warm and interesting speaking style that makes it easy to listen to  and learn from her. She is a very upbeat, creative, and friendly person, and makes an incredible speaker. She even adds humour to her talks as well, to keep them light, interesting, and enjoyable to listen to – and also helps hold the crowd. Very impressive in front of an audience!" 
(October 29, 2014)

— James Elliott, Speaker,


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